Once you have her dress Outline pixeled grab your Magicwand again and click inside the Outline
fill with #FFFFFF (white)
Selections - Float
Ok this is where the SBP comes in
Effects - Plug-ins - Flaming Pear - Snowball Glitter use the Preset as there is no change in settings
Add new layer and pixel in some shading as shown:
apply a Gaussian Blur of 1.00
Now merge your Body, Dress and shading layers
Set Foreground to #E5D1B6 and pixel in her arms like this :
For this Tutorial you will need Super Blade Pro and the Snowball Glitter Preset
Or you can just shade by doing a cutout or hand shading
Let's Pixel
First you will have to do the Bodybase 1 Tutorial here
Let's start with the Dress
Add a new layer and set foreground to #FFFFFF (white) and pixel in her dress as shown:
doesn't have to be perfect as we're going to give her a Bouquet later
Let's do her hair first though pick your favorite color (I used Black) and pixel outline as shown:
Do not copy this in any way to pass out, re-write or put on-line without permission.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial like this is purely coincidental.
Original tut ©Lara Gagnon Nov 2005 and owned by ©AngelBreath Designs as of Feb 2008
I added bangs then shaded like so
I also made her outer Strands a bit longer (see above)
merge you hair with the body, dress & shading layer
So far so good
Now for her Veil pixel in the outline with #FFFFFF (white) as shown :
Once done grab that magicwand and click inside the two top parts of her Veil and fill with white
Selections - Float apply same SBP Preset as before
Now select the two bottom parts
( you will see that it won't select all the way touching her dress no worries we will get to that in a minute) fill with white
Selections - Float and again apply the SBP Preset
Now you can see where it didn't select just grab your Paintbrush and fill in the strays with white.
Add a new layer and set foreground to #D5D6FD and add some shading to her Veil as shown:
there is a dark line that SBP left us - if it bugs you just add some dots here and there to cover it
now apply a Gaussian Blur of 0.60
Merge your Layers and save.
Open new transparent Canvas of 30 x 30 and pixel this Flower with colors of your choice
Duplicate this Flower 6 x and arrange them so you'll have something like this :
( Image - Mirror - Flip is what I used)
Merge all of these layers *gg* add some green:
and now some Ribbon pick 3 colors from your Bouquet and pixel something like this :
Now copy and paste as new layer over to your Bride and center between her hands.
This is what you should have so far (except for her eyes - I use the eyes to work with when I create)
Almost done now
Her TIARA is easy.
I used a silver gradient and pixeled it like so :
add a new layer for her cheeks and pixel them in as shown:
apply a Gaussian Blur of 1.00
Merge your layers and Voila....you're done.
Now here you can pretty much add what you want
let your creativity flow