Isabella The Pixie
Now grab your Magicwand and click inside her head
fill with # DDD0B3

Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of:
Vertical: 0
Horizontal: 0
Opacity: 90
Blur: 7.5
Shadowcolor # CAB788


Magicwand again
click inside her arms and tummy
(shift key to select all)
fill with # DDD0B3

Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of:
Vertical: 0
Horizontal: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 5
Shadowcolor # CAB788


Magicwand - click inside her legs
(shift key to select both)
fill with # DDD0B3

Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of:
Vertical: 0
Horizontal: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.8
Shadowcolor # CAB788


Ok now let's giver her a dress

add a new layer and with your favorite color pixel in her dress as shown

I used #66B266 as my Outline and

# A9D3A9 as my fill
Apply Cutout of:
Vertical: 0
Horizontal: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 5
Shadowcolor same as your Outline


Now merge your dress layer with your body layer

On same layer we are going to pixel in her wings

I used a pale green as my Outline (# 99CB99)

and white as my fill
Let's start by opening a new transparent Image of:

60 x 60

Set Foreground to #CAB788

and pixel Outline as shown

(you may want to add a dark layer which you can later delete)
Apply Cutout of:
Vertical: 0
Horizontal: 0
Opacity: 100
Blur: 7.5
Shadowcolor same as your Outline


Alrighty ... now let's give her some hair

I am giving you the Outline of her hair as .gif format

just right click on the picture below to download

Do not copy this in any way to pass out, re-write or put on-line without permission.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial like this is purely coincidental.

Original tut ©Lara Gagnon Nov 2005 and owned by ©AngelBreath Designs as of Feb 2008

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now shade - remember to go a shade lighter if your shading by hand or apply a simple Cutout
Apply a Gaussian Blur of 1.00


Voila ... your Pixie is done
just open in PSP and paste as new layer then color in as shown or as you prefer

Almost done now

add another layer for her face and pixel it in as shown:
add another layer and "blush" her cheeks like so