Ella The Pixie
Grab your Magicwand and while holding down the shift key on your keyboard click inside her head, arms and lower body - fill with #E4C8AC

Go to Selections - Modify - Contract - by 1 pixel
now fill this Selection with #ECD9C6


Add a new layer for her dress

pick your favorite color and pixel in her dress as shown:

(I used # FE8282)
Once you have all that grab that Magicwand again and again while holding down the shift key click inside the top and lower parts of her dress

Fill with a lighter shade of your Outline Color
(I used # FFA3A3)

Selections - Modify - Contract - by 1 pixel
now fill this selection with an even lighter shade
(I used # FFC1C1)


Grab your Paintbrush and add some deco like so:
Open new transparent Image of 110 x 70

and with #DAB794 pixel Outline as shown:
or whatever tickles your fancy


Now....do you remember Isabella's Hair ?

We are going to use the same hair here on Ella

Do not copy this in any way to pass out, re-write or put on-line without permission.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial like this is purely coincidental.

Original tut ©Lara Gagnon Nov 2005 and owned by ©AngelBreath Designs as of Feb 2008

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and that's it....here you have Ella the Pixie
Ok now let's give her wings

add a new layer and with a light shade matching the dress pixel in her wings as shown ... remember to go a shade lighter with each line
right click to copy hair tube

fill in with your favorite hair colors then copy and paste as new layer onto Ella and add her face like so: