Chloe The Pixie
When done grab your Magicwand and click inside of her body

fill with #E2C6AA

Go to Selections - Modify - Contract - by 1 pixel
fill with #EAD5C0


Add a new layer and pixel in her face like this:
add another layer and now grab these hair tubes already filled in brown & red - but you may change colors if you wish
I want you to meet Chloe another one of Isabella's Friends

Chloe is a calm one
so unlike Isabella who likes to flit about
and cause mischief on other Peoples Tagboards


so here goes

Open new transparent Image of 70 x 80

Set foreground to #DAB794 and pixel Outline as shown:
open in PSP and copy and paste as new Selection onto your canvas

put in place like this:

Do not copy this in any way to pass out, re-write or put on-line without permission.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial like this is purely coincidental.

Original tut ©Lara Gagnon Nov 2005 and owned by ©AngelBreath Designs as of Feb 2008

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now shade - remember to go a shade lighter if your shading by hand or apply a simple Cutout
Ok, let's give her a dress

add another layer and with #6469A1 (or color of your choice)

pixel in her dress as shown:
add yet another layer

I know I know...lots of layers but if you later want to change something this is the way to do it

Set foreground to #989CC4 or if you used a different color dress pick a lighter shade of it

now pixel in her Wings as shown:
now shade
You can now move your Wing layer under your Body layer

Now as a Butterfly Pixie Chloe had to have "Antennas"

add a layer and with a color that matches your dress pixel in her antennas like this:
now you can merge your layers or save as .gif or .psp for later use

Tada!!  You're done

I hope you enjoyed this Tutorial
ok now if you want her hair fuzzy add another layer and randomly place pixels around it like so: