Open new transparent canvas of 100 x 130

Set Foreground to #E9D4B9

We will start off with her head and upper body you may want to add an extra layer and fill it with a dark color so you can actually see what you're drawing.

You can later delete this layer.

Let's pixel....shall we ?

Draw her head and body as shown:


Do not copy this in any way to pass out, re-write or put on-line without permission.
Any resemblance to any other tutorial like this is purely coincidental.

Original tut ©Lara Gagnon Nov 2005 and owned by ©AngelBreath Designs as of Feb 2008

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Once you're done grab your magicwand and click inside the outline and fill with #F2E6D8.

Selections - Float Effects - 3D Effects
Cutout and apply the following settings:
Vertical : 1
Horizontal : 1
Opacity : 100
Blur : 11.3
Shadowcolor #E9D4B9

Now look at her hands....see those two little strays ?

Pixel in with #E5D1B6

On to her Dress add a new layer and pick your favorite color.now pixel her skirt as shown:
now pixel her top
Once done grab magicwand and click inside of her skirt and top and fill with a lighter shade of your Outline Color

Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of :
Vertical : 1
Horizontal : -1
Opacity : 100
Shadowcolor same as your Outline


Now click inside of her little belt
Fill with a darker shade of your Outline
Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of :
Vertical : 1
Horizontal : 0
Opacity : 100
Blur : 1.3
Shadowcolor same as outline

now select the little cuffs on her shirt again fill with a darker shade


(no cutout...woo hoo)

Add a new layer and add some shading as shown:
Apply a Gaussian Blur of 0.75

If you want to add a few details to her Dress do so now.

Merge your Dress and your Head and Body Layers

Now we're going to do her hair Pick a Color for your hair and pixel in her hair Outline as shown:
Now I decided to shade her hair by Hand because the cutout just wasn't cutting it *lol*

Follow my Example and remember to go a shade lighter with every new line
!!! Phew !!! *lol*

Now for her Wings I decided to match them to her Dress but it's up to you.

I will give you the Outline and Cutout

First pixel her wings as shown:
(don't mind her hair as I used an old screenshot)

Magicwand - select all four parts of her Wings and fill with a lighter shade of your Outline Color

Selections - Float
Apply Cutout of :
Vertical : 1
Horizontal : -1
Opacity : 100
Blur : 8.8
Shadowcolor same as your Outline Color


(Add a few details if you wish like little hearts or dots ... be creative)

Add a new Layer and pixel in her face:
Now get rid of the dark layer if you used one and merge your layers

And guess what ... you are done !!!